Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign a value to a variable. The most common assignment operator is the equals sign (=).

For example, let's say we have a variable called x and we want to assign the value of 5 to it. We can do it like this:

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This means that the value of x is now 5. We can also use other arithmetic operators in combination with the equals sign to perform a calculation and then assign the result to the variable. For example:

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This means that the value of y is now 15. We can also use other arithmetic operators in combination with the equals sign:

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This means that the value of z is now 15.

There are also other assignment operators like *=, /=, and %= that work in the same way. They perform an arithmetic operation and then assign the result to the variable.

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This means that the value of a is now 10.

  • = - Assignment Operator
  • += - Addition Assignment
  • -= - Subtraction Assignment
  • *= - Multiplication Assignment
  • /= - Division Assignment
  • %= - Modulus Assignment
  • **= - Exponentiation Assignment

In the exercise below, you will have a variable x with value 3. Select the correct assignment operator to assign the value of each result.

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x ?? x // output: 0

x ?? x // output: 1

x ?? x // output: 6

x ?? x // output: 9

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