Increment and Decrement Operators

Increment and decrement operators are used to increase or decrease the value of a variable by 1.

The increment operator ++ adds 1 to the variable, and the decrement operator -- subtracts 1 from the variable.

Here's an example:

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These operators can also be used before the variable (pre-increment/decrement) or after the variable (post-increment/decrement), which affects when the value is changed.

Pre-increment/decrement changes the value before any other operations are performed, while post-increment/decrement changes the value after all other operations are performed.

Here's an example:

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In this example, the value of num2 is incremented before the assignment is performed. So, num1 is assigned the value of num2, which is 1.

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In this example, the value of num2 is incremented after the assignment is performed. So, num1 is assigned the value of num2, which is 0.

In the exercises below, you'll have a variable called x assigned to 5. Select all the options that will allow to make the y variable equal to 6.

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