Concatenation Operator

The concatenation operator in JavaScript is the plus sign +. When used with strings, the + operator concatenates, or combines, the two strings together into a single string.

For example:

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In this example, we're using the concatenation operator to combine the strings Hello, and ! with the value of the firstName variable.

When used with numbers, the + operator adds the two numbers together.

For example:

Loading Code . . .

In this example, we're using the + operator to add the values of the num1 and num2 variables together.

When used with strings and numbers, the + operator converts the number to a string and then concatenates the two strings together.

For example:

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In this example, we're using the + operator to convert the value of the num variable to a string and then concatenate it with the string The number is .

In the exercise below, you'll be using the + operator to combine strings and numbers.

You'll be given a variable called x and a variable called y with random numbers. You'll also be given a variable called message. Your job is to use the + operator to combine the x and y variables together and assign the result to the message variable with a string that says "The sum of x and y is z".


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