Variables Types

In JavaScript, there are different types of things we can store in a variable.

One type is called a number, which is like counting how many toys you have.

Another type is called a string, which is like writing your name.

And then there's a type called boolean, which is like saying whether something is true or false.

It's important to know what type of thing you're storing in a variable because you can do different things with each type. For example:

  • you can make calculations with numbers
  • you can create a sentence with your name using a string
  • you can check if something is true or false using a boolean

There are other types of data in JavaScript, but we'll learn about those later.

To declare a number, you can just write the number:

Loading Code . . .

To declare a string, you need to put quotes around it:

Loading Code . . .

Notice that the quotes don't matter, as long as you use the same type of quotes on both sides.

To declare a boolean, you can just write true or false:

Loading Code . . .

In the code below we have 3 variables declared. Define a value for each variable following the following types:

myName (string) myAge (number) isOpen (boolean)

The variable value is not important, just the type.


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