Conditional Statements: Switch

In programming, the switch statement is used to evaluate a given expression and execute a block of code based on the value of that expression.

It is often used as an alternative to a series of if-else statements when there are multiple conditions to be checked.


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In the above example, the switch statement evaluates the value of myNumber and executes the code block for the matching case. If myNumber is 1, the code block for case 1 is executed. If myNumber is 2, the code block for case 2 is executed. If myNumber is 3, the code block for case 3 is executed. If myNumber is not 1, 2, or 3, the code block for default is executed.

The break keyword is used to prevent the execution of the code block for the next case. If myNumber is 2, the code block for case 2 is executed and the break keyword prevents the code block for case 3 from being executed.

Code Challenge

To complete this challenge, fill in the blanks with the correct switch statement using the case and default keywords.


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